Our current rescues
It did not take long for us to realize that need is everywhere. It appears every day. Sometimes in places and situations that might surprise you. And the reasons behind that need vary as much as our Rescues. Most often it comes knocking on our door in the shape of different animals who need us. For some, it is an urgent matter of life or death.
May each of the special Rescues who call Tomten home give a face to that need and may each inspire us all to choose kindness—to do more, to be more and give more to make a difference. They are lost without us.
We hope that by welcoming them and sharing their stories, each life can be an ambassador for others like them as together we share, we educate, we encourage and inspire.

Currently at Tomten, we are honored to offer lifetime sanctuary to…
And... almost two-dozen clucking, crowing, quacking and honking feathered friends.
Life at Tomten Farm and Sanctuary
Sanctuary means that each of these beautiful lives will be here for the rest of their days. That is 24-hour care, 365 days a year, for as many years as each life is blessed to have with us, and we them. Sun, snow, rain or freezing cold, our first priority each and every day is to be sure they live the lives they deserve and that we do everything we can to make their dreams come true.
Each animal finds us through their own journey. Sometimes, it is after their owners have passed away, have found themselves facing financial hardship or are facing a health crisis. Others were intercepted just before heading to auction or slaughter when they were no longer productive at the level necessary to be profitable. Still others have been rescued from the auction itself or the kill buyers. They were truly at the end of the line. Their next stop was the slaughterhouse. Together, with you at our side, we have welcomed private surrenders, cruelty cases, nonprofit organization-to-organization transfers, direct bail rescues and more.
As you read the stories of the lives we save, we hope you will gain insights on the many ways these beautiful beings find themselves in need and just what it is that together at Tomten we gift them. Your presence is their everything, their every meal, their every drink, their every moment under the stars and sun with friends and family and love. We would be honored if you would consider a life saving, life changing donation today.
Together we are Tomten Farm and Sanctuary. Thank you.
Neigh, maa, bray, baa, moo, oink, quack, cluck, meow, honk and cockledoodledoo.